Is it possible to mod a mp3 player (say 2gb) that can use SD/MMC card to expand its capacity with a SD -> IDE adapter and a IDE hd?

Almost everyone goes the other way around (makes an SDCard reader which can be used on an IDE bus). You will probably have to come up with the design from scratch. SDCards are serial port devices and IDE is parallel.

Simple as the conversion sounds, my bet is that you will end up having to cobble together an embedded processor to make the leap between the two. I think it would be better to start with a design intended to be used with an IDE mass storage device. Humm, a quick search proves most of these devices are no longer being made.

You might have to ebay an old Archos hdd mp3 player. With the size of flash storage drives increasing, I have to ask why you are going with the HDD. If something like 100 GBytes of storage space (that's 10^5 minutes of music BTW - over 1500 hours - do you even have that much music?) is what you want, I would think a using a computer/server would make more sense.

Not quite sure why you would want to go through all that trouble to begin with, but with enough solder sure, anythings possible.

Can be used to cut 'isolation track' PCBs with Not included : Note about milling bits : The machine is designed for the US market and so is supplied with a Wed, 11 Apr 2012 13:52:05 GMT5mm collet (the thing that grabs the bits). This size means you can use pretty much any Dremel bit in it. Many UK bits are 3mm.

We've negotiated with the manufacturers that for the near future, all machines sold will also come with a 3mm collet. Jpg" width="300px" alt="Conductive Paint Pen (10ml)">This is an easy to use pen filled with conductive paint. The pen can be used to created conductive tracks on paper, wood, or many other non-flexible surfaces.

It dries quickly and is water based and non-toxic. Gif" width="300px" alt="Conductive Paint Greeting Card Kit (Robot)">This is a fantastic fun kit for anyone (adults included!). The contents allow 3 electronic greeting cards to be made.

The cards use conductive ink to form tracks to power up the supplied LEDs. Everything you need is supplied in this kit - the cost is actually very good considering how pricey posh greetings cards are! Once you've finished making the 3 cards, there's enough ink in the pen to make other cards, or to use on other projects!

How to make The Fio v3 is a new spin on the Arduino Fio hardware powered by the ATmega32U4. While the Fio v3 is not yet compatible with the Arduino v1.0 IDE, it's still a very capable XBee-ready development board. The JST-connector and 3.3v system voltage make this a great development tool for portable devices, simply plug in a Li-Poly battery and you're ready to go.

Wireless sensor networks and communication are made easy by the on-board XBee socket. The ATmega32U4, running at 8MHz, makes it possible for you to use the on-board USB jack not only to charge a connected Li-Poly battery but to actually program the device! Because this board uses a similar bootloader to the one on the Pro Micro, you will need to download and install the special software driver below.

There's also a board definition add-on for the Arduino IDE which will add support for this board. Jpg" width="300px" alt="LPC11C24 LPCXpresso Board">The LPC11C24 LPCXpresso board with NXP's ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller has been designed to make it as easy as possible to get started with Cortex-M0. The LPCXpresso comprises a target board combined with a JTAG debugger.

A free Eclipse-based IDE from Code Red is also included. The LPC11C24 has 8 kB SRAM, 32 kB Flash, integrated CAN-transceiver, 2xSPI, I2C, UART, ADC, etc. Embedded Artists also provides a Prototype board and a Base board that makes it possible to make experiments and prototyping with many peripherals. Jpg" width="300px" alt="FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V">This is a basic breakout board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to serial IC.

The pinout of this board matches the FTDI cable to work with official Arduino and cloned 5V Arduino boards. It can also be used for general serial applications. The major difference with this board is that it brings out the DTR pin as opposed to the RTS pin of the FTDI cable.

The DTR pin allows an Arduino target to auto-reset when a new Sketch is downloaded.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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